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Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease is a serious condition where the kidneys gradually lose their ability to function properly. It is becoming more common and is linked to higher risks of illness and death. When someone has chronic kidney disease, their ability to filter waste from the blood, tends to decline, although the speed of this decline can vary. Those whose filtration rate drops quickly are at a higher risk of heart problems.

Several factors influence how chronic kidney disease progresses. 

Studies have found that a small number of patients with chronic kidney disease actually maintain or improve their kidney function over time. For instance, long-term use of certain medications has led to remission in severe cases. Other studies have shown that while most patients' kidney function declines, it improves in a small percentage. This suggests that some patients can have positive outcomes.

Metabolic problems that can harm the kidneys:

Correcting these problems and maintaining recommended treatment targets, like controlling blood pressure and reducing protein in the urine, is important for keeping kidneys healthy. Better managing metabolic problems and and improving vitamin D deficiency could help improve kidney function. 

Understanding Dietary Interventions

Recent studies have looked at the effects of salt, protein, and water intake, caloric restriction, body mass index, caffeine, and alcohol affecting kidney disease. Reducing salt intake can help slow down the disease. Increasing water intake and using intermittent fasting to control glucose levels show promise in early research.


Salt can affect the kidneys in several ways. When a person eats too much salt, it can make their body hold onto extra water. This is because salt pulls water into the bloodstream. The kidneys, which are like filters for the blood, have to work harder to get rid of the extra water. Over time, this can be hard on the kidneys and make them less effective at their job.

If the kidneys can't get rid of all the extra salt, it can lead to high blood pressure. 

High blood pressure means there is too much force pushing against the walls of the blood vessels. This extra pressure can damage the blood vessels in the kidneys, making it even harder for them to filter the blood properly.

When the kidneys don't work well, waste products can build up in the body, which can make a person feel sick. It can also cause swelling in different parts of the body because the extra fluid isn’t being removed properly.  It is advised to reduce salt intake to less than 5 grams per day. 


When a person eats protein, their body breaks it down into smaller parts called amino acids. The kidneys help filter out the waste products that are left over from using these amino acids.

If someone eats too much protein, it can make the kidneys work harder. This is because there are more waste products for the kidneys to filter out. Over time, if the kidneys are always working extra hard, it can cause them to wear out and not work as well.

For people with healthy kidneys, eating a normal amount of protein is usually not a problem. However, for those who already have kidney issues, too much protein can make their condition worse. It can lead to more damage and reduce the kidneys' ability to filter waste from the blood.

In short, while protein is important for the body, eating too much of it can put extra strain on the kidneys, especially if they are already weakened.  High protein intake should be avoided as it can worsen kidney function. In patients with reduced kidney function, protein intake should be limited to 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day.


Phosphate can affect the kidneys in several ways. Phosphate is a mineral found in many foods, like dairy products, meats, and some grains. The kidneys help control the amount of phosphate in the blood by filtering out any extra phosphate that the body doesn't need.

If a person consumes too much phosphate, the kidneys have to work harder to remove the excess. Over time, this can be tough on the kidneys and make them less effective at their job.

For people with healthy kidneys, their bodies can usually handle normal amounts of phosphate without any problems. However, for those with kidney disease or other kidney problems, high levels of phosphate can be harmful. When the kidneys can't get rid of extra phosphate, it can build up in the blood and cause issues like weak bones and itchy skin.

In summary, while phosphate is necessary for the body, having too much can be hard on the kidneys, especially if they are not functioning well. It's important to manage phosphate intake to help keep the kidneys healthy. Managing phosphate levels and reducing the body's acid load is important. High phosphate levels and acidosis are harmful in chronic kidney disease. Bicarbonate supplements or eating more fruits and vegetables can help.


When a person is obese, it means they have too much body fat. This extra body fat can cause a lot of problems for the kidneys. Obesity can lead to high blood pressure. High blood pressure puts extra strain on the blood vessels in the kidneys, making it harder for them to filter waste from the blood. Over time, this can damage the kidneys.

Obesity can cause a condition called diabetes. Diabetes means having too much sugar in the blood, and this extra sugar can harm the tiny blood vessels in the kidneys. When these blood vessels are damaged, the kidneys can't do their job properly.

Obesity and over nutrition are linked to faster kidney growth and function decline. 


Nicotine is a chemical found in tobacco products like cigarettes and e-cigarettes. When a person uses these products, nicotine gets into their bloodstream and can cause problems for the kidneys.

Nicotine can lead to high blood pressure, putting extra strain on the blood vessels in the kidneys and making it harder for them to filter waste from the blood, which can eventually damage the kidneys. Additionally, nicotine reduces blood flow to the kidneys, depriving them of the oxygen and nutrients they need to function properly, further contributing to kidney damage. This increased risk of kidney damage from nicotine use heightens the likelihood of developing chronic kidney disease, where the kidneys gradually lose their ability to work well over time, potentially leading to treatments like dialysis or a kidney transplant


Caffeine, found in coffee, tea, soda, and energy drinks, can affect the kidneys in several ways. When consumed, caffeine enters the bloodstream and can act as a diuretic, increasing urine production and potentially leading to dehydration if not enough water is consumed to compensate. Dehydration is harmful to the kidneys. Additionally, caffeine can temporarily raise blood pressure, putting extra strain on the kidneys and damaging the tiny blood vessels that filter waste from the blood. Managing caffeine intake is crucial for maintaining healthy blood pressure, especially for individuals mindful of their diet and health. Furthermore, caffeine can increase the risk of developing kidney stones in some people, making hydration essential to prevent these painful deposits, particularly for those with dietary restrictions.


As a diuretic, alcohol increases urine production, potentially leading to dehydration if not enough water is consumed to compensate, which is detrimental to kidney health. Additionally, excessive alcohol consumption can raise blood pressure, putting extra strain on the kidneys and damaging the tiny blood vessels that filter waste from the blood, impairing their function over time. Moreover, alcohol can disrupt the balance of essential minerals like sodium and potassium, which the kidneys regulate, leading to issues such as kidney stones or other kidney problems.

Water Intake

Water intake can affect the kidneys in important ways. The kidneys are like filters for the blood, and they need water to do their job properly. Drinking enough water helps the kidneys remove waste and extra fluids from the blood. This waste and fluid then become urine, which leaves the body. When a person drinks plenty of water, it helps the kidneys work efficiently.

Staying well-hydrated prevents kidney stones. Kidney stones are hard deposits that can form in the kidneys and cause a lot of pain. Drinking enough water helps dilute the substances in the urine that can form stones, reducing the risk of getting them.

Proper water intake helps maintain the balance of important minerals in the body, like sodium and potassium. The kidneys help regulate these minerals, and staying hydrated makes it easier for them to keep the right balance.

How much water?
